Donate to Friends of Pinal
Your generosity allows us to help bridge funding gaps in PCACC's budget. We fund verterinary care and purchase necessary supplies for the animals under PCACC's care and for those pulled by rescue organizations for adoption.

Legacy Gifting
Help Raise Funds for the Shelter
Make your Amazon purchases through and choose Friends of Pinal county Animal Shelter & Rescues as your non-profit to have a portion of your Amazon expenditures donated to us.
Visit, sign in to your account (or open new account), click on "Community Rewards" at the bottom of the home page and link your card to Friends of Pinal County Animal Shelter to have a portion of your purchases donated to us.
Arizona Gives
AZ Gives raises money for registered nonprofits throughout Arizona. While giving through AZ Gives is available 365 days a year, the statewide giving campaign takes place in early April each year. Just click on the donate button or scan the QR code to give a gift through AZ Gives to Friends of Pinal.
April 1,

Help Spread the Word
Donating isn't the only way to help raise funds. Here's a couple of other ideas:
Have a strong social media presence - ask your friends to give
Like to host friends at your house - host a fundraising party
Purchase Items for the Shelter
You can also help by purchasing items for the shelter from PCACC's wish list on both Amazon and Chewy. Click on the button below or use your smart phone to scan the QR Code at right to buy from Amazon.

Click on the Chewy "Gives Back" button or scan the QR code below to find the "Friends of Pinal County Animal Shelter & Rescues" wish list.

In both cases, your purchases will be sent directly to the shelter.